A client was telling me that people exhaust her, or affect her mood. That is is hard to stay connected to her own heart path when she’s around others. The Guides took over in our chat. It’s kinda cool the way it works with them– they send information but it’s filtered through the person they send it to. I spend a lot of time learning about trauma and nervous systems and such, so it gets filtered through my mind and worldview. They responded with something that utterly, entirely blew my mind....
6 months ago • 4 min read
“What’s going to happen with this relationship?” “What’s going to happen with the election?” “Should I take this job?” Clients come to me with questions like this. I’ve started telling people up front, before we even start “I’m not psychic. The guides aren’t psychics. We don’t predict the future.” I do it myself all the time though. Every morning I sit and have conversations with my spirit guides. Sometimes I ask them about cosmological stuff (how does this work? How does energy work? How...
7 months ago • 6 min read
A client and I have spent a month or so establishing a deep, strong connection to her Inner Being. She’s got it down: she can tap in any time throughout the day when she’s on her own, in her own space, at her own pace. “But I lose it the second I get out around people!” she said. I want to share my response here, because I never hear this talked about. What we’re doing here? It’s training. If you wanted to be physically fit, you’d create a training schedule of sorts, and you’d challenge...
8 months ago • 4 min read
NOTE: The Wonder Botanica Pop-up ends today. If you wanna see what I think about my favourite things that are left in stock you can watch my IG video HERE. I’d recommend stocking up on Rose & Sandalwood oil, Cactus Rose mist, She., Trust., Beloved., and there are a few Forest soaks left too (they’re freaking incredible! GRAB them while you can!). I’ll shut the shop down in about 8 hours to focus on shipping. Other note: If you live in the UK or Europe, please read my PS at the bottom of this...
9 months ago • 8 min read
Hihi, The Wonder Botanica Pop-up is open for one more week. Many things are sold out already! Here are my favourites, that I’d highly recommend getting your hands on. First of all, Rose & Sandalwood oil. I cannot. Tell. You. How. Gorgeous. This. Stuff. Is. It smells divine. Decadent. Sensual. Delicious. The scent lasts for hours, and, the oil itself is really soothing and healing. A+, stock up on this one! She. This formula was truly inspired— my Spirit Guides woke me up in the middle of the...
9 months ago • 3 min read
UK people: please read my admin stuff at the bottom of this email- I’m going to be in London and Somerset for a couple of months and am going to be doign in-person sessions/ thinking about workshops. I recently had my heart ravaged. I’d flung myself in, open, trusting. “Too open. Too trusting,” I thought as I stomped my way up a hiking trail. “Never opening my heart to ANYONE again” I scowled out loud to the trees, the ravens, the rocks. I stomped and scowled and bad-mooded my way up the...
9 months ago • 5 min read
I went to the garden centre with my friend the other day. She told me a story as she drove, about the bidet she’d just installed. She thought the heated seat was broken because she kept pushing the button to turn it on, but it remained cold to the touch. Sheepishly, she said ‘you know, I went back and re-read the instruction manual to figure out what I’d done wrong. It says right there that you need to sit on it for it to heat up. So I did. And it did.’ We both laughed. Then I looked out the...
10 months ago • 4 min read
A few days ago, the uncertainty became so big and overwhelming that I felt like I was at the bottom of the sea, waves crashing over me. I lay there, breathing on the floor, and one by one, I found the places in my body where I was bracing, holding, and tensing. One by one, like pulling tightly clutched fingers off the bottom rung of a ladder, I let go. There’s a thing about spiritual, or energetic freefall: The more you do it, the more you build a body of evidence supporting the fact that...
10 months ago • 4 min read
I used to get back from a vacation and want to cry. There were a few days upon return where I’d feel like I could do anything. I felt so big and free. I could see my own life with fresh eyes. And then, slowly, the walls would creep back in. I’d feel more and more like myself again. More and more… stuck. I remember chatting to my bestie Rosalee about it at the time. “I want to be on vacation from my life” I’d say. "Me too," she'd reply. We spent a lot of time talking about how stressed we were...
10 months ago • 2 min read