
Hi! I'm Rebecca

Click to enter vacation mode

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

I used to get back from a vacation and want to cry.

There were a few days upon return where I’d feel like I could do anything. I felt so big and free. I could see my own life with fresh eyes.

And then, slowly, the walls would creep back in.

I’d feel more and more like myself again. More and more… stuck.

I remember chatting to my bestie Rosalee about it at the time.

“I want to be on vacation from my life” I’d say. "Me too," she'd reply.

We spent a lot of time talking about how stressed we were in those days.

One day, a switch went on in my brain. I realised something:

If I feel different on vacation, and for those first few days upon return I still feel great… then it’s not the vacation.

Because I CAN feel like that in my every day life.

When it hit me. It was not a good realisation:

It was me.

My thoughts, my habits, my patterns, my own relationship with my life.

I was the problem. Not the fact that I wasn't on vacation.

My next conversation with my bestie went slightly differently:

“I want to feel like I’m on vacation every day of my life. I'm going to figure out how to do it."

"Me too," she replied.

Before you roll your eyes, let me tell you something.

That was ten years ago.

It’s been ten years of the two of us building a body of knowledge, experimenting on ourselves and each other, learning how to change our relationships with our own lives, our bodies, our to-do lists, and our sense of capability.

I can tell you now, I don’t feel like I’m on vacation EVERY day of my life— some days are still somewhat stressful. But for the most part? Yeah. I do. Even on days when I’m up until 2am packing orders. Even on days when things are a mess. Even on days when I have to drive to LA and back for packaging in hours of traffic to get home and go to the dump then make dinner then then then. Yes. Even on those days.


Here’s the secret: feeling like you’re on vacation? It’s nothing to do with your actual life. It’s everything to do with your perception of your life though. Your relationship to your life.

It’s about FEELING effortless and full of ease, regardless of what’s actually happening.

Do you want to feel like you’re on vacation every day too?

Thought you might!

Rosalee and I have created a life-changing course. It spans 4 months, and is truly the best thing that could ever happen to your nervous system, and your relationship with your life. It's called Building Resilience, and it's a gentle, brilliant, slow and steady change to the way you perceive yourself and your to-do lists, so that you can feel a sense of ease, capability, playfulness in your day-to-day life. It will make you feel like you're on vacation, in your every day life.

We spent ten years figuring out how to do it, and now we want to share that with you.

If you can’t walk away from it all and go and live on a desert island

...this is the next best thing.


Registration closes on Wednesday.

Big hugs,


Hi! I'm Rebecca

I write emails that help guide you back to yourself.

Sign up for weekly-ish nudges to remind you of who you are, what's important, and how deeply held and guided you are in every moment.

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