
Hi! I'm Rebecca

Who's in charge here?

Published 6 months ago • 3 min read

I have been working with a client who has made the most incredible shift in her life over the last 2 months. It’s a night/day scenario: her energy looks different, SHE looks different. She’s lighter, softer, more buoyant. Everything is moving more smoothly in her life. When I reflect back on what’s changed, it’s the opposite of what you’d think.

There’s a thing that happens in my sessions, especially spirit guide stuff where it’s not really me doing the talking. Someone will come with an issue, something they’re chewing on or want to sort out. Their guides will say something, and I’ll ask for clarification. I cannot tell you the number of times that I’ve said to them ‘yes yes that’s nice but we’re HUMAN and we need practical advice. Do you have a step-by-step that we can use here?’

They laugh (one time they actually did an energetic version of a slap on the forehead). But usually they laugh and show me how very not human they are. Then they explain something:

Their way is faster. More efficient. More fun. Better all around. The only issue is that it is not satisfying to the human mind. It is un-satisfying because there’s no plan, you’re not in control, you don’t get to be right, and you don’t get to know what’s going to happen every step of the way.

‘If you can get over that’, they say, ‘then you can ride this wave of energy that we’re showing you’. Most of the time, they literally show the person an energy in their body, and keep showing them. Like a radio station to tune to, over and over and over again, until you know what it feels like enough that you can make it your default setting.

'Ride this energy and the world rearranges itself around it. It's simple physics.' (Then they laugh again). 'On the outside it looks like you're creating a wormhole through space-time to jump to where you want to be. But on the inside it's very simple-- instead of navigating the world via outside stuff (rules, plans, to-do lists, following the example of people who have come before you), you're navigating the world based on inside stuff. Based on the energy. The world re-organizes itself around you when you stay tuned to your new position.'

The first time I was skeptical.

The second time hopeful.

The third time I was excited.

Now, I’m just like ‘yeah this is how it goes. You hold the frequency, and the world rearranges itself around you. NBD.’

I bring all of this up because I see a pattern and it’s this:

It takes a lot of courage to hold that frequency when the world feels like it’s moving in a different direction. It takes focus and willpower to remember to do it even when life gets stressful.

We’re taught to think of ‘hard work’ as this effort-full DOING of things. It’s about filling your plate with as much as you can, and getting through it all. That’s mentally satisfying. This is the opposite— it’s about training your mind and your energy, and sometimes (often. Usually. Almost always actually) that’s a not-doing.

In some ways, it is way harder to do it this way: to hold a perspective, an energetic place in yourself, that is different to what was before. To rearrange your own energy. It is hard because we have never been taught to focus in this way. It’s like being handed a weight to do reps with for a muscle that you’ve never used in your life.

But, in some ways, it’s the absolute easiest thing in the world. To stop pushing? To hold a perceptual POSITION, as your way of creating the changes you want in your life?

To stop having to effort so damn hard all the time?

To just step back into the feeling and trust it?

How is that even right? Surely there must be a *scrolls through the contract* loophole somewhere. Something I’ve missed. A clause, that says if this life has ease then the next should have eternal suffering or something?

Nope. No missing clause. No loophole. No tricky contract.

Just the thing that happens when you decide to surrender your life to the magic path and let it take you.

It’s not a doing, it’s a not-doing.

It’s a slow and soft unclenching of the holding pattern in your belly and chest that make you think you need to be the one in charge of it all all the time; a remembering of how it feels to gently tune yourself to trust.

Big hugs,


ps. Forest Spirit surprise boxes are flyyying out. You want one? Get it here

pps. 1:1 sessions avail- hit reply for more info.

Hi! I'm Rebecca

I write emails that help guide you back to yourself.

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