
Hi! I'm Rebecca

just take the path, silly

Published 5 months ago • 4 min read

We all walk the knife’s edge between trust and not-trust.

One one side, down a rocky path, is a landscape full of darkness, fear, and nightmares of possibility. Every single thing your brain comes up with at 4am when you’re trying to get back to sleep.

On the other are clouds stretching out below the cliff’s edge. On occasion the clouds shift and you catch glimpses of beautiful things underneath. Joyful things. Cozy things. Things you want. Things that feel so good and hopeful they make your breath catch and your heart beat faster.

‘Is it really there, though?’ You ask. ‘I know what’s in that direction *points over shoulder towards the nightmares*. On this side, it’s hazy. I can’t really tell. I can’t step off that cliff on a maybe.’

In a session the other day, a client’s guides said something really profound about this:

“In a situation that you cannot control, there is always going to be something to look at that is scary. You can walk this path and not-trust, or you can walk this path and trust. The outcome is the same: you are not in control of it. Yet the journey to that outcome will either be full of wonder and magic, or full of fear. Which do you choose?”

They went on…

“You want reassurance from us. You want us to tell you that it’s all going to work out. “THEN I’ll trust”, you think, “but until then, I will brace.” It doesn’t work like that. If we tell you what’s going to happen then that defeats the point of existence, which is that the unknown is the unknown, and you step into it and trust anyway. You want the knowing first, and we are telling you that this isn’t the point. The point is to soften first. To trust first. To take the steps and feel the vulnerability of it.”

“But HOW?” she said. “Of course I want that. But how??!”

Then they showed her. It’s kind of amazing, and this happens almost every time now: they flow the energy into a person's body, and tell them to pay attention. ‘We are showing you now. Feel us,’ they say. In this case, they showed her this internal movement of energy that is the opposite of everything we learn about how to get where we want. A softening, instead of a push. A sink into the coziness of the present, instead of casting our gaze too far into the future. The thing I felt (I get to experience it too; it’s so weird and cool) was that trust is an internal shift.

The thing you want lies down there *waves in general direction of the clouds and the ‘everything you want*. But you don’t need to summon everything you have to experience one moment of tremendous bravery. Trusting isn’t actually about flinging yourself off cliffs. That’s the movie version— it’s only that way in movies because the screenwriter has 120 pages to pack it all in, and the story of slow and gentle tiny steps isn’t as exciting to watch.

Flinging oneself off cliffs in reality, doesn’t traditionally end well.

Instead, take the path.

“Path??! There’s a PATH?! If there was a path I would have taken the path already Rebecca, jeez. I’ve looked and there is no freaking path.”

Oh, but there is. There truly is a path. It’s just that the path is not one you can see with your eyes, but one that you feel internally.

It is, after all, the trust path, not the ‘we’ll show you exactly where this is going and make you feel reassured every step of the way’ path. No. You’re walking through the clouds, and you cannot see a thing. You’re taking one step at a time, guided by your heart. The lighter it feels, the more buoyant, that’s the direction to take a step in. The compass is the feeling. It’s like playing Marco Polo with your own future. That energy that the Guides showed my client that day (that I’m trying to pour into this email, if you can close your eyes and feel it moving through your chest), is the path.

Your brain wants it to be something you can see and rely on and have a plan for. That’s not going to happen. The path is 'THE UNKNOWN', not the ‘we’ll pretend to be the unknown but you’re actually in charge here’.

It’s an internal softening.

It’s not a doing, it’s a not-doing.

Trust itself, is a not-doing.

Walking the wonder path is a not-doing.

The more you walk it, the more the world starts to solidify around you. Things take shape. You realise that you’re exactly where you wanted to be. Exactly where you needed to be. The internal compass becomes the only thing that matters: your trust is so great that you don’t even need to see what’s happening through the clouds anymore.

It’s only you. Your shining heart. Your footsteps as they crunch on the earth as you walk your path into the future that makes your heart flutter with joy.

Big hugs,


ps. I am taking on one new long-term client starting in January 2024. Is there something big you're wanting to shift, or a new direction you want to move in? Hit reply and let's talk.

pps. 1:1 Spirit Guide sessions are happening too, and they're utterly magical. Those are one-off things, so if you're looking for an energetic shift, or new perspective on a situation that's troubling you, respond to this email and I'll tell you more about it.

ppps. THANK YOU for all of your orders. I got all of them out on Thursday, and they should be on their ways to you. I managed to restock a couple of Plump Potions. I'm going to close the Pop-up on Monday morning. If you're still wanting to grab a couple of things, I have a few conifer body oils, and a few moonlight body oils left. I'll ship everything else on Monday.

Hi! I'm Rebecca

I write emails that help guide you back to yourself.

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