
Hi! I'm Rebecca

a disappointment; a turnaround.

Published 2 months ago • 4 min read

Quick note: If you missed out on Plump Potion or Plump Choco in the last pop-up, and/or want to order a few extras, skip to the bottom of the email to PS. #3-- I'm doing a pre-order so that I can make enough for everyone. I'll be making them in a couple of weeks when I'm back in the US, and will ship mid-April.

I was disappointed by something last week.

The coolest thing about developing a connection to my spirit guides is that I can ask them questions about things like this. Endlessly. They don’t get sick of talking about things like my friends do, so I can ask the same questions every day, over and over again in different ways, hoping for different answers (spoiler alert- they give the same answers in different ways. It's very annoying.).

I sometimes thank them for their patience and they laugh: apparently they are timeless and infinite. There is no such thing as patience in a place where time is all happening at once, where multiple timelines and universes exist in parallel to each other*.

This week I’ve been asking them, again, about why something happened the way it did. Why?! How?! What’s going to happen?! Can I change the outcome?!

They said something that shook me a little; it felt like it was meant for more than just me. So i’m sharing it here:

Nothing is as it seems. What you see on the surface of reality is the tiniest expression of what truly is.

Do not give in to your perceptions of the world you see around you— for this is a collapse of sorts: it’s a giving up of your connection to the reality you sense and feel all around you. It’s discarding your trust in your own energy, and your trust in the innate goodness and kindness of the universe.

Nothing is as it seems. Nothing is complete. Nothing is decided. Nothing is final.

Your ‘reality’ can change in the amount of time it takes for you to close your eyes and re-open them in a different timeline and expression of reality. It is as simple as an internal shift.

You do not need to fix it. You do not need to solve it. You do not need to know what’s going to happen, and in fact you CANNOT know what’s going to happen. Your path is trust and trust comes from walking the wilderness of the unknown.

Close your eyes and re-focus your energy back towards your connection; your reality will rearrange itself around you.

Trust is more important than outcome. Devotion to your path is more important than outcome.

I, being, well, me, asked the most important question:

“Okay and if I do that will everything work out the way I want it to?”

I don’t know if spirits can smack you on the forehead, with affection, but that’s what happened.

“It is not about working out or not working out. Attachment to outcome separates you from your connection.

Connection is the outcome. Connection is the goal. Connection is the medium. Connection is the beginning, the middle and the end. Returning to the connection reminds you that outcome is irrelevant, but also that you will never get to where you want to be from a place of disconnection.

From the place of connection you are always where you want to be, so the world works itself out around you.

You cannot get there from needing the outcome to be in place, but if you surrender your need for the outcome to exist, then you will know how it feels to be truly free, and how it feels to be inhabiting the life of your dreams in every single unfolding moment.

I'm not going to pretend that this is how I do things all the time-- there are definite moments where I feel as though I'm having a toddler style temper-tantrum at the present. But I will say that when I listen (when I remember to listen), it all feels remarkably true. The connection comes in through the heart-space, like a river, sometimes even like a tidal wave. The more I tune to it, the more it feels as though every moment contains a seed of magic that can only be touched upon through surrender. Allowing. Remembering. As if all the answers can be heard in the tweeting of birdsong heard out the window on a sunny winter morning and that the only truth, the only thing that matters, is the endless delight at the magnificence of it all.

Big hugs,


ps. I got the coolest, kindest, sweetest email last week that said something to the effect of ‘where have you been/ are you okay/ I look forward to your emails’. And yes, hi, I’m okay. To be honest, I didn’t think anyone would notice! I’ve been going through some sort of reconfiguration, and haven’t had as much to say, because most of the things I write lately have been coming through my guides and sound more like the above email. I don’t quite know how to communicate this stuff yet, and, if you've been reading my emails for a while you'll know that I don't see the point in writing just to fill up space.

pps. I’ll be re-opening Spirit Guide session books next week with an actual booking calendar link like a grownup. *grin*

ppps. I’m sorry about there (once again) not being enough Plump Potion or Plump Choco! I’m opening up a pre-order of each. They'll ship mid-April. That way there's enough for everyone, and you can order as many as you want.

So: Plump Potion. Plump Choco. Yay!

*They’ve even been showing me how easy it is for us to jump between all of them but that’s another story for another time.

Hi! I'm Rebecca

I write emails that help guide you back to yourself.

Sign up for weekly-ish nudges to remind you of who you are, what's important, and how deeply held and guided you are in every moment.

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